The Scale of Lace: Photos vs Reality

In photographs of lace, it can be challenging to gauge the actual size of the pieces. Especially with modern techniques and materials that do not follow traditional conventions.

Let’s have a look at two samplers. Can you tell which of the twigs below is bigger? How big is the difference between them?

Two photographs of different lace samplers

Two photographs of different lace samplers

Left: Russian lace. Right: Duchesse Lace

Here they are next to each other for comparison:

Two lace samplers on the same photograph

Two lace samplers on the same photograph

Though, the threads roughness and density of the weave can provide sense about a piece’s size, keep in mind that actual dimensions may differ from photos.

When looking at photos in my portfolio, I find that understanding the actual size can be tricky. My designs consist of a mix of techniques, materials and patterns. Every photo is aimed to show the work as close as possible, isolated from any distractions.

To help you get a better sense of the scale, here are some examples from my portfolio:

Selected works from the portfolio

Selected works from the portfolio

Selected works from the portfolio

Selected works from the portfolio